A dive into Mythology / Pasinėrimas į mitoligiją

Telsiai Gallery
Telsiai, Lithuania

Researchers of ancient Baltic culture and traditions have always wondered whether it is possible to recreate the spiritual life of the past, what it means, and how this experience might be relevant to people today. Most links connecting us today with the ancient Baltic mythology are dealing with spirituality and nature. We still have place names associated with caves and groves where thousand-year-old oaks grow; lakes, water springs and mounds are lined with stones reminiscent of their mythological origins.

The Department of Graphic Design at the Vilnius Academy of Arts tried to look at this differently as a part of the EU-funded three-year educational project Digital Mythologies -Mythological Digitalities. Project activities in Poland, Finland, Ireland, Belgium and Lithuania allowed participants - teachers and students - to learn about the mythologies of different countries and to try to find out how and in what way this knowledge and experience can be integrated into today's world, how it can become a resource for creating visual communication designs with virtual or augmented reality features.

The side exhibition Immersion in Mythology presented recent works by students of the Graphic Design Department of the VAA Vilnius Art Faculty inspired by Baltic mythology: publications with VR, video projections, examples of typeface design and hybrid communication games.


Audrius Deikus, Ieva Pachomova, Patricija Kell, Gintare Razmaite, Domantas Pigulevicius, Ieva Repeckaitė, Laura Jagėlaitė, Amanda Motekaitytė, Neringa Dailydžiuvienė, Patricija Kell, Akvile Paulauskaite, Skaiste Navickaite, Laura Bielskute, Dovydas Adomaitis, Konstancija Kertenyte, Kornelija Zvinklytė, Ema Andrijauskaite, Lukas Cibiras, Linas Dingilevskis, Paulius Glebus, Rokas Sventickas, Eimantas Bitinas, Ema Andrijauskaite, Augusta Kucynska

PARTICIPANTS (DYMIMYDI student workshop Mythology: Spirituality):

Vaiva Chachlauske, Candan Esin Tanrisever, Fiona O’Lochlainn, Nicola Byrne, Beata Borisovaite, Sofia Mejia Diez, Marcin Zonenberg, Evan Tobin, Ruta Vebraite, Krista-Maria Holopainen, Niel de Vries, Andrea Parra Rada, Ausrine Venciute, Heta Jokinen, Maciej Gil, Dalida Georgiau-Achmet, Audrius Deikus, Aleksandra Samarova, Sanna Nykänen, Ksenia Makala, Austeja Dzikaraite, Gautam Viswanath, Emma Murphy, Julija Norutė, Veera Kemppainen, Anna Beiglbock, Sandra Krysa.

Ausra Lisauskienė, Marius Zalneravičius