Dive into Mythology / Pasinėrimas į mitoligiją

Dive into Mythology / Pasinėrimas į mitoligiją

National Museum of Lithuania

History House

Vilnius, Lithuania

24 September 2022 

The pop-up exhibition titled Dive Into Mythology took place on 24 September 2022 in Vilnius at the History House of the National Museum of Lithuania.  The exhibition presented the results of the DIMYMYDIDigital Mythologies – Mythological Digitalities project´s Vilnius student workshop"Mythology: Spirituality". The exhibits - A2-sized artist bookspreads containing augmented reality media elements - created during theworkshop were related to the living heritage of paganism in Lithuania.


Vaiva Chachlauske, CandanEsin Tanrisever, Fiona O’Lochlainn, Nicola Byrne, Beata Borisovaite, SofiaMejia Diez, Marcin Zonenberg, Evan Tobin, Ruta Vebraite, Krista-Maria Holopainen,Niel de Vries, Andrea Parra Rada, Ausrine Venciute, Heta Jokinen, Maciej Gil,Dalida Georgiau-Achmet, Audrius Deikus, Aleksandra Samarova, Sanna Nykänen, KseniaMakala, Austeja Dzikaraite, Gautam Viswanath, Emma Murphy, Julija Norutė, VeeraKemppainen, Anna Beiglbock, Sandra Krysa.


Ausra Lisauskienė, Marius Zalneravičius

Photo & Video: Tarja Nieminen