DIMY-MYDI Exhibition at Oodi

Play • Spirituality • Identity • Nature • Body Digital Mythologies - Mythological Digitalities

Oodi Central Library Aura space / the 2nd-floor Helsinki, Finland Fri 13 Sept — Sunday 15 Sept 2024 daily 12:00-19:30

The exhibition introduced videos on aspects related to mythology created by art students from five countries, Finland, Lithuania, Poland, Ireland and Belgium.

DIMYMYDI Digital Mythologies - Mythological Digitalities is a 5-country EU-funded 3-year (2022–24) educational project coordinated by the School of Arts, Design and Architecture of Aalto University in Finland.

During the 3-year project time, one student workshop was arranged in each partner country. The workshops studied myths, their historical and current position in the social and political creation of meanings in the context of technological explosion. Each workshop used local mythologies as a starting point (mythological creatures or objects, gods etc.), and contained lectures on historical and current incarnations of mythology in local cultural production and artefacts.

In the workshops, teams of students developed creative solution/s e.g. on how mythology can be used to communicate through various innovative and informative digital and analog artefacts (material or immaterial). We targeted younger audiences to raise their awareness of uses and abuses of mythology in culture and politics (enhancing mythological understanding and literacy).

The project is coordinated by Tarja Nieminen (Lecturer VCD) of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture / Aalto University.




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